One last diagram for 2009... this is a Flexagon I designed last october during the Octagons for October challenge at the Origami Tessellations group. I was inspired by Yami Yamauchi's Fireworks modular, and set out to replicate the effect with a single sheet of paper.
The model in the video was wetfolded from 10" x 20" Canson Colorline paper, colored with various spraypaints. Diagrams are here.
I've posted a video of the flexagon in motion here.
And to bring things full circle, we'll end 2009 as we started it: with a new Snowflake CP from Jared. Happy New Year everyone!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Metamorphosis, by Andrew Hudson
Thursday, December 24, 2009
White Dove - Jared Needle
Seasons Greetings!
Y’all have been begging me to make some more diagrams, so here ya go. These are definitely the nicest diagrams I’ve made so far. They came out so well it encourages me to make more diagrams! : )
For this week’s issue of Origami Weekly I have diagrammed my White Dove. It is designed to be folded from an isosceles right triangle (half a square) of white paper. This of course means that one square will give you two White Doves!
White Dove - Jared Needle
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all our readers!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Hermit Crab - Nicolás Gajardo Henríquez
This week we have a crease pattern. Ah! But don’t stop reading just yet, for it is more than just a simple CP. My friend Nicolás Gajardo Henríquez told me he was sending his Hermit Crab CP. What I discovered when I opened the file was that it was not just the CP to his amazing Hermit Crab design, but a detailed walkthrough of how he designed it. Now YOU can follow along as Nicolás explains how he put together the CP for his asymmetrical Hermit Crab!
Thank you so much for this awesome write-up Nico!
Hermit Crab - Nicolás Gajardo
The version above was folded by Nicolás.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Golden Retriever - Andrew Hudson
For this week we've got a model with a really unusual structure-- it's not every day you see twist-folds in a representational model!
Diagrams are here. Have fun folding!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Flying Monkey - Jared Needle
It’s been a long time since I contributed an original design to Origami Weekly. And it’s been even longer since we did a crease pattern. This week we have my brand new Flying Monkey CP. I designed this monkey as part of an informal challenge between Jon Tucker, Andrew Hudson, Michael Secrist and me. I’ve been working on it for over a month, and am happy to announce it is finished!
Flying Monkey CP - Jared Needle.
The version above was folded my me. 17 cm wingspan from a 35 cm square of black double MC tissue paper.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Milk Carton - Topias Tyystjärvi
Let's take a step back from all that complex stuff and return to the simple things in life, like a cup of milk. This week we have Topsu's milk carton. A nice simplish design...but I wouldn't try filling it with milk!
Milk Carton - Topsu
The version above was folded by Topias.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Approximation of a Parabola, by Andrew Hudson
This week we've got something unusual-- a geometric model with a proof attached! This is an algorithm to produce an approximation of a parabola.
Diagrams here. For additional help, here's a youtube video showing how to extend the process a little bit.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Spinosaurus - Shuki Kato
This weekend is the Pacific Coast Origami Conference in San Francisco. Andrew and I will both be there. Since we will be having such and awesome time at the convention, I thought it would be nice to pass a little awesome onto y’all.
This is my favorite diagram of the year. Not just my favorite Origami Weekly release, but my favorite, period.
This week we present to you diagrams for Shuki Kato’s Spinosaurus.
Yes, you read that right. 130 steps.
The Spinosaurus is my favorite dinosaur, so you can imagine how thrilled I was to find these sitting in my inbox some weeks ago.
Who knew diagonal box-pleating could be so fun!
Spinosaurus - Shuki Kato
The version above was folded by me, Jared, from a 35 cm square of double MC tissue paper. It is slightly modified to have more pronounced spines, and a forward-pointing sail, as is my favorite interpretation.
Many thanks to my friend Shuki!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Spider - Andrey Ermakov
Happy Halloween!
Andrey Ermakov surprised us by sending some very very nice diagrams for his spider! Perfect for Halloween.
Spider - Andrey Ermakov
Something creepy and crawly for Halloween, to go with Andrew's Witch from earlier. Also, head on over to Andrew's Flickr for some Crazy Jack (o Lantern) action:
The Spider in the photo was designed and folded by Andrey Ermakov. Andrew and I have just been too busy preparing for PCOC.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Origami for the People
Several months ago, I realized that while there were lots of traditional models to be found, most of the diagrams were copyrighted, so their use was restricted. I also noticed that a handful of traditional models got the lion's share of attention from folders and diagrammers, while some very intriguing models were only published in a few places, sometimes with low-quality diagrams...
So in response, I'm pleased to announce the Public Diagram Project. The aim is to provide a collection of 15-20 high-quality diagrams for clever and obscure traditional models, available to everyone. Each of these diagrams will be released under a Creative Commons license, so you can share, teach, and adapt any of these without breaking any copyright laws.
Here's the diagrams:
Jumping Frog
Congratulations Crane
Octagonal Tato
You'll notice that one of these diagrams has already appeared on Origami Weekly-- I found out, a week after I'd posted it, that I had actually rediscovered a traditional model; that event was part of the inspiration for this project.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Crooked Witch, by Andrew Hudson
Happy Halloween!
This was really fun to design-- everything worked the first time I tried it. I hope you all have as much fun folding it as I did designing and diagramming the model!
Diagrams here:
Friday, October 9, 2009
Puma Head - Román Díaz
If you haven’t already heard, Román Díaz has a new book coming out very soon. 34 designs! I know I’m excited.
He was awesome enough to send us a set of diagrams anyway! Here is Román’s Puma Head.
Puma Head - Román Díaz
It is fun to fold, and for those of you who require lots of reference points, they’re included. And they’re nice and simple.
The rendition in the photo was folded by Eric Madrigal. Thank you Eric and Román!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Cormorant, by Andrew Hudson
This week we've got a design I've been thinking about for awhile: the cormorant I made at the end of July. I refolded it last weekend with nicer paper, and decided it was time to diagram the model... so here it is!
Friday, September 25, 2009
EZ Tessellation - Evan Zodl
This week we have Evan Zodl's EZ Tessellation. Nice wordplay.
You might say these are full diagrams for a simple tessellation. Sorry Evan, I had no need for a tessellation with your initials :) That is one of the cool features of this design. Its customizability. I've changed it to the initials OW for Origami Weekly.
EZ Tessellation - Evan Zodl
You can also fold up the panels in the back similarly.
For a neat effect, try rotating the paper before pulling up the panels, and instead, bringing them down.
It looks pretty cool backlit too, but you need to do the mirror image.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Banana, by Andrew Hudson
I designed this a couple weeks ago when I got my hands on some yellow paper, and then realized that I didn't have anything to fold with it... Naturally, a banana came to mind, so I tried my hand at designing one and I think it came out pretty well! This model is best when wetfolded from thick-ish paper. I used two sheets of letter paper glued together, and folded while the glue was still wet.
Diagrams here.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Flower - Anna Kastlunger
This week we have Anna Kastlunger's Flower. She designed it for the Origami Forum's 30 folds or less challenge. It doesn't have too many folds, but every one counts. And it's got a lot of tension holding it together.
Flower - Anna Kastlunger
Folded from a 15 cm of patterned washi paper. Yep, you can even fold it with that stuff!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Dual Decagrams, by Andrew Hudson
This model borrows some concepts from John McKeever's Stellations of the Dodecagon. This is one of the first times I've drawn diagrams for something with such a complex color-change pattern, and it was an interesting challenge to draw something with intermeshed layers like this in a program that only supports stacked layers.
Anyway, I was thinking about it and I realized that I spent more time diagramming this model than I did designing and folding it-- which may be a first for me, usually I fold it at least twice before diagramming it.
Diagrams here:
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Leafhopper, by Ryan Welsh
This week we've got another model from Ryan Welsh, and it's the first insect we've featured so far. I have to say, I really enjoyed folding this model; he uses the wonderful coincidences of eightfold symmetry to great effect.
Diagrams here.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Hiroshima Crane, by Andrew Hudson
The anniversaries of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings were this week, and so we're releasing diagrams for a crane variation today. It's a little simpler than our usual fare, but it's elegant and, I think, still quite an interesting model.
Diagrams here. Some advice: step 18 and 20 will be easier if you use a pencil or toothpick to help squash the layers inside the flap.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Dollar Bill Rabbit, by Seth Friedman
Seth posted a photo of this model, and soon after there was a request on the Origami Forum for someone to reverse-engineer it. Being the r/e junkie I am, I gave it a shot, and got pretty close, so I asked Seth if I could post a CP, and he said yes! So here it is. Thank you, Seth!
Diagrams (well, a progressive crease pattern) are right here.
*UPDATE* Google has blacklisted parts of the file hosting service I use to post the diagrams. I've moved this one over to a separate part of their server and it seems to be working, but just to let you all know-- it's not my content that's causing the warning, the whole subdomain has been blocked. The people at dropbox are doing everything they can to fix the issue, and if it's not resolved soon, I'll switch to a new hosting service for the .pdf diagrams.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Spilled Cup of Water, by Andrew Hudson
This model was inspired by one of our previous posts, a Cup of Water by Silas Vriend. I was sitting here, wasting away in the summer heat, thinking of nice, cool things like water, and flipping through Flickr photos, when I saw Silas' post, and an idea formed in my head of how to fold this.
Diagrams here.
Some advice-- use something that will hold a crease well, not foil; and fold from printer paper or larger, step 25 is really, really hard to do if you've never done those before. I should also say, the lines made in step 18 are 22.5º
If you get stuck on the last step, try taking a look at some of Philip Chapman-Bell's work-- he's used similar twist closures before.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Head, by Davor Vinko
Hey there folks, we're back from vacation this week with diagrams for Davor Vinko's Head. It's a nice three-dimensional model, with pretty good diagrams-- and even better, it's closed all around except for the bottom! I thoroughly enjoyed folding this, and I think you all will too.
Here are the diagrams.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Lesser Scaup, by Andrew Hudson
Continuing on the theme of last post, I've got another Komatsu-inspired bird design.
Note that the tail is done slightly different in the photo than in the diagram-- I changed my mind after folding it and taking photos, but that was my last sheet of black/white kami so I can't refold it until I go to the paper store!
Diagrams here:
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Hoopoe, by Andrew Hudson
It's week 25, and we're doing good-- Now that the spring semester is over, I have some time to do side projects, on top of Origami Weekly. This week's model is the result of a study in imitation, based on the work of Hideo Komatsu, which I've been folding a lot for the past two weeks. It's nonaxial, yet still falls easily on a grid, and the form of the base renders most shaping unnecessary. This model also utilizes color-changes, and is quite foldable from commercial origami paper.
Diagrams here.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Manta Ray - Quentin Trollip
I'm graduating college this weekend!
In celebration, and as a treat to y'all for being a part of Origami Weekly, here are the diagrams for Quentin Trollip's Manta Ray!
Manta Ray - Quentin Trollip
The photo above belongs to Quentin. I lifted it from his Flickr page. Be sure to check out the rest of his work
at his website:
or his Flickr:
Thanks for being a part of Origami Weekly!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Nonagon Radial, by Andrew Hudson
Week 23, and I've been working on a big project-- designing and diagramming this model. While I did the last couple pages of diagramming a little hastily to get it out on time, I still think this is one of my best posts to date, and i hope you enjoy folding it as much as I did!
Some advice-- fold especially accurately for this piece. It's got some strange symmetry, so make sure what you're doing checks out with what the diagram says to.
Diagrams here.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Yellow Ribbon, by Andrew Hudson
On the last Monday in May we in the U.S.A. celebrate Memorial Day. On this day we pay our respects to the brave men and women who have lost their lives serving this country. In honor of the occasion we at Origami Weekly present a yellow ribbon. The yellow ribbon serves as a small token of our support for our troops, and our wishes for them to return home safely. God bless our troops and God bless America.
Diagrams here: Yellow Ribbon
Fold a ribbon and show your support!
See you next time!
For our viewers from other countries: the yellow ribbon does represent a similar sentiment in many nations. Also, if made from a different color, the same style ribbon has come to represent awareness of many other things, such as pink for breast cancer, or red for AIDS. Feel free to fold a ribbon for your cause, whatever it may be.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Tesserassic Palm
Well, it's week 21, and we've got something really neat this time around. Gerwin Sturm designed a really neat new model, and was kind enough to send us the diagrams for it. This was created as an entry for the Origami Tessellations Design Challenge, and is one of the most thorough diagrams of a tessellation I think I've ever seen. Thank you Gerwin!
Diagrams are here.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Cup of Water, by Silas Vriend
Hey, it's week 18, and we've got something a little different-- Silas Vreind's cup, which is made from a 16-sided polygon! For the record, that's called a hexadecagon.
I folded it from 6 inch kami for the photo, but I recommend using something a little bigger for your first try. Letter paper or A4 should be fine.
Diagrams are Here
Oh, and we've got a short survey we'd like you to take. Click Here to take survey. Thank you!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Gaudi Cube, by Andrew Hudson
Week 17. Three weeks left before my school gets out for the year-- so I'm busy performing and studying for finals, instead of diagramming like I should be. I need to get my priorities straight! :-P
This week I've made a variation on an earlier design of mine, and diagrammed them both-- I hope you enjoy folding them!
The original model can be folded easily out of 6" kami or printer paper, but I recommend at least 15 inch kami or foil for the variation. There are a lot of layers, and it gets kind of small. (I did it with 10", but then I've been doing a lot of small folding recently)
Diagrams here. Have fun folding!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Cassowary - Sebastian Arellano
This week we have Sebastian Arellano's Cassowary.
When I first received these diagrams, I have to admit I was slightly disappointed reading through the folding sequence on page 2... until I saw where it was going! There is a very cool trick used to give the body its volume and shape. In fact, page 3 is just filled with great stuff! And how often do you see an origami Cassowary!
Cassowary - Sebastian Arellano
The version in the photo above was folded by Sebastian himself. I folded one too, but I don't have any black paper ready, and white/yellow origami paper just could not do this giant wingless bird justice.
And as always, we'd love to see your photos! Also, remember to return for next week's installment of Origami Weekly!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Cross - Jared Needle
Happy Easter!
I designed the first version of this cross back in 2006. I've changed it a bit over the years, eventually happening upon 1/3 being the magic reference point that made all the flaps of desired width.
This simple-looking design contains quite a few treats for the folder. There is a tight closed-sink--it's not super difficult, but you have to be careful. Also, it uses three different locking procedures to keep it together.
Here are the diagrams:
Cross - Jared Needle
The version above was folded by me from a 6 inch square of origami paper.
As usual, thanks for being a part of Origami Weekly. Remember, we are always interested in seeing you all fold our work!
See you again next week!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Tiger Shark - Andrew Hudson
It's April! For this week, Andrew Hudson has drawn diagrams of his Tiger Shark. It's from a frog base, and it contains a few tricky/fun maneuvers.
Diagrams: Tiger Shark - Andrew Hudson
The version above was folded by Jared Needle, from an 8.5 inch square of copy paper.
As always, we thank you for checking out Origami Weekly, encourage you all to post photos of your foldings, and remind you to come back for next week's edition of Origami Weekly!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Zhoubi Bowl, by Philip Chapman-Bell
For this week, we've got a nice, deceptively simple bowl from Philip (you might know him as oschene on Flickr). I say deceptively simple because although it's not to hard to fold, the math behind it is fascinating, and surprisingly complex, when it gets down to it. There's a division by sevenths in there, and even an allusion to a proof for the Pythagorean Theorem from an old Chinese mathematical text.
Diagrams available here.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Mask, by Joel Cooper
Week 12, and we're running out of time again-- this time around, a tessellated mask by Joel Cooper. We've all been impressed by Joel's work, but like most of the tessellation community, he doesn't post creasepatterns for his models. I understand why-- this took me eight hours to reverse-engineer, and another four hours to draw the CP. In fact, we ran out of time to finish folding it-- which is why you get this picture instead of a finished one folded from nicer paper.
CP here:
CP (c) Andrew Hudson, design (c) Joel Cooper
Monday, March 16, 2009
Stars and Wheels, Andrew Hudson
Welcome back to week 11! I saw that we haven't posted a geometric model in a few weeks, so here's a diagram I've been working on for awhile. As far as I know, this is the first full diagram of the decreeping process, which I've worked with a lot through variations on Chris Palmer's Flower Tower. It's tricky, so hold tight and don't get too frustrated!
So here are the diagrams:
As usual, we'd love to see your interpretation of our diagrams. Please post pictures, or send them to us!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Wildebeest - Ryan Welsh
Wildebeest - Ryan Welsh
It's Week 10!
This may feel like a bit of a blast from the past. This week we have Ryan Welsh's Wildebeest, which appears to have a strong John Montroll influence. The design and diagrams were made back in the 90s! Yet even today it still looks nice!
The version above was folded by me, from an 8.5 inch square of bond paper, which was definitely not the best choice. I recommend a square of at least 8 inches, and definitely thinner/better for folding than printer paper.
As always, we would like to see any photos of Origami Weekly releases that you have folded. Don't hold back, show off your skills!
See you next week!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Orchid Blossom, by Andrew Hudson
It's week 9 here at Origami Weekly, and we've got a brand-new diagram for you. So new, in fact, that it's a day late because I had to finish it! It's got curved-surfaces, a three-dimensional folding process, and lots of referencing... And the collapse is a bit of a puzzle too, hard to diagram but I did my best.
Here are the diagrams:
(and for those of you that have to know, this was wetfolded using 80-lb drawing paper manufactured by Blick Art Materials)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Bear with Butterfly Wings - Anna Kastlunger
Sorry we're late. Communication breakdown.
This week we have diagrams for something a bit more whimsical, Anna Kastlunger's Bear with Butterfly Wings
Bear with Butterfly Wings - Anna Kastlunger
The version above was folded and photographed by me (Jared).
Monday, February 16, 2009
Heptagonal Flower Twist

Heptagonal Flower Twist, by Andrew Hudson
Our 7th week already! This week we've got something a little unusual for you-- but it'll take some work of your own to get the full potential out of this diagram. It looks like a diagram for a single model, but in fact I've given you the tools to create any regular polygon from a rectangular sheet of paper, by applying the Fujimoto approximation to angles instead of line segments.
So without further ado, here are the diagrams:
Monday, February 9, 2009
Hearts for V-Day
Valentine's Day is this weekend, so it's time for some hearts! This week features three works. All created by me (Jared).
First, we have diagrams for a Pureland Diamond with a Seamless Heart. I created it just last night.
Pureland Diamond with a Seamless Heart - Jared Needle
Next we have the CP for a heart I designed back in 2003. It's fairly simple, but does have some higher level moves (closed-ish sinks)
Heart CP - Jared Needle
Finally we have the focus of this week's post. It's the crease pattern for my Heart Card. I designed it in 2004, based on the heart. I am extremely proud of it still. It's a heart-shaped card, and it opens.
Heart Card CP - Jared Needle
Have fun folding, and we would love to see you fold the Heart Card, along with any other Origami Weekly works you've folded. Don't hold back on the photos!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Tower Tessellation
Welcome back to our fifth week! For this week we have our first tessellation of the year. Benjamin Parker agreed to make diagrams for his Stacked Pleats and Tower Tessellation as this week's main post.
Diagrams here: Tower Tess - Ben Parker
Coincidentally, this is a molecule that I had made a variation on, so I've posted that variation as a CP to go along with it.
CP here: Stacked Pleats CP - Andrew Hudson
Monday, January 26, 2009
Week 4 - Red Knot
With the thousands of works from a bird base, you may have thought it had lost its magic. And then here comes Andrew Hudson, with this adorable little shorebird, the Red Knot.
It's got a nice clean appearance, and the folding sequence is full of fun little wraps to achieve the coloring. I had a lot of fun folding the one pictured above.
Diagrams here: Knot - Andrew Hudson.pdf
And for those intrepid folders out there who'd like to give it some toes, here's a crease pattern. Knot CP - Andrew Hudson.pdf
As always, keep on folding and keep on returning. See y'all next week!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Parasaurolophus and Closing the Bag
Welcome back to the third installment of Origami Weekly! We've got another round of diagrams for you this time; Andrew Hudson has drawn up a crease-pattern for his Parasaurolophus. This model uses an interesting combination of closed-back and open-back techniques to achieve a more realistic form.
Crease Pattern here:
Parasaurolophus CP - Andrew Hudson
Also for this week, Jared Needle has written down his much-tested method of closing chip bags. This is one of the most useful origami folds I think you'll ever come across, and I think you'll find it surprisingly durable despite its elegance.
Diagrams here:
How to Close a Bag of Chips - Jared Needle
Happy folding, and I hope to see you again next week!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Snowflake and Rabbit

We're now in the second week of the Origami Weekly calendar-- we're glad you've come back! We have two more items for you this week. If you couldn't fold the CP from last week, well-- No worries! Diagrams are here, so the rest of us can fold it too, while it's still winter! This is one of many variations Jared's come up with. Can you come up with your own? Take a picture and send it to us if you do!
We probably won't do this for future creasepatterns, although we'll try to include some tips on how to go about folding the ones we publish.
For our second item this week, we're introducing our first guest artist, Hsi-Hua Liu, from Taiwan. He's sent us a crease pattern for his latest creation, a color-changed rabbit. It's a good model and I had a lot of fun folding it... I hope you will too.
Keep on folding, and don't forget to drop in again next week!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Green Tree Python
Welcome to Origami Weekly! This is a weekly diagram calendar, made for the origami enthusiast instead of the commercially available beginner's calendars. Every Monday we'll release a new diagram, unpublished and unseen, except by our design team. We hope you'll come back to visit!
For our first week, we have Andrew Hudson's Green Tree Python. This model uses a fractal pattern in steps 8-9 to more accurately reflect the tapered shape of a snake.
Diagrams are here:
Also, we're giving out the CP for next week's model, Jared Needle's Snowflake.
Crease Pattern available here:
Have fun folding, we'll see you next week!